Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) & Early Recovery and Livelihoods (ERL)

Sector strategies:

1. emergency response: (securing emergency food needs through food baskets distribution – cash or voucher support)

2. long-term response through:

  • production support (agriculture and livestock support, provision of business materials).
  • income support (skills/business training, income-generation, micro-credit)
  • market support (vouchers, building/repairing market infrastructure, helping to
  • create cooperatives, the sale of subsidized goods).

The objectives of these different forms of food-security support will vary according to
the context.

Sector objectives:

1. Livelihood provision (directly affecting outcomes)

  • Fulfilling essential requirements (by providing in-kind assistance such as food aid or
  • cash support, or reducing expenses through complimentary goods and services or
  • cash/voucher aid).
  • Enhancing personal safety (mitigating personal safety risks through the provision of
  • aid and assistance).

2. Livelihood protection (protecting assets, preventing negative outcomes)

  • Preventing migration to camps by providing livelihood support to rural populations.
  • Reducing vulnerability by diversifying livelihood opportunities and increasing choice
  • (cash, vouchers, production support, income generation). Protecting livestock and
  • agricultural assets through the provision of services.
  • Helping to recover assets (agricultural inputs, assets for small-scale business,
  • financial assets – micro-credit, savings and loans, cash support).
  • Protecting livestock and agricultural assets through the provision of services.
  • Helping to recover assets (agricultural inputs, assets for small-scale business,
  • financial assets – micro-credit).

3. Livelihood promotion (improving strategies)

  • Creating new livelihoods assets (for example human assets through skills/vocational
  • training).
  • Improving access to markets and services (vouchers, infrastructure, producers’
  • cooperatives/organizations).
  • Supporting informal institutions and civil society, to improve access to services, and/
  • or traditional governance, for example natural-resource management.
  • Promoting access to information (on services and rights).

FSL & ERL Sector Main themes in IPV:

  1. Vocational Training & Youth Empowerment.
  2. Activating Value Chains
  3. Agriculture and Livestock Supports
  4. Infrastructure Rehabilitation
  5. On farm assistance